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The "Training Center" was created as providing educational opportunities to our members and community is part of our organization's mission. Here you will find details on all up-coming training/workshops, including sign up instructions, associated costs (if any), equipment needed, point of contacts and more...  So be sure to check back often. â€‹


NRA Basic Rifle, Basic Rifle Instructor & Basic Instructor Training (BIT) Training Courses

Dates:  10/18, 10/19, 10/20

Location: DSA Facility


Please read details carefully as this post is listing 3 different NRA courses related to "rifle" shooting/instructions.  PRE-Registration is required for each. For additional info or questions, email either one of the following DSA board members by clicking their "title" links: DSA Chief Instructor or DSA Chief Executive Officer


1. NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) Course  (DSA 10/18, 12p-5p):

This course is required ONLY for those who are taking the Rifle instructor course on Sunday 10/20, and have not completed a BIT in the last 2 years.  The cost for the BIT is $75.  Check NRA training website to register/sign-up.


2. NRA Basic Rifle Course (DSA 10/19, 8a-5p):

This course is for everyone, from those who are new to the sport to those who wish to improve their skills and knowledge.  The course includes both classroom and range time. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet. Upon course completion students will take the Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate. Any rifle is acceptable for the live-fire portion; .22lr is recommended. 100rds ammo is needed. Cost of the course is $125. Click here to register.


3. NRA Certified Rifle Instructor Course (DSA 10/20, 8a-5p):​​



- Students are required to complete the "NRA Certified Basic Rifle Course" held on Saturday 10/19.

- Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor.

- Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.


Description: Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Rifle Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Rifle Shooting course student packet. The cost for both Saturday's NRA Basic Rifle Course & Sunday's Instructor portion is $250.  Click here to register.



DNR Hunter Safety Course 

Date: Fall offering announcing soon. 


REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED:  Fall dates announcing soon. 

This course is for individuals who wish to obtain a "hunting license" in the state of MD. Lead by our DSA Team of DNR certified instructors, the August course will be offered in a multi-day format, the first 3 evening sessions will involve interactive classroom instruction with the final day of instruction taking place outdoors.  Attendance for all sessions is mandatory. Seating is limited, pre-registration is required and will be taken on a first come first serve basis as this course is open to the public. The course is free and firearms will be provided by DNR. Any student under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult through all sessions.  DSA may at their discretion, require adult supervision for any student 13-16 years of age. 


Ladies Only Workshops

Our "Ladies Only" workshops are off and running!  If you are interested in taking part, keep an eye on our site for upcoming events, and/or send us an email and we will add you to our "ladies only" distro list.  Hopefully we will be seeing you soon!

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