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Geezer Guns

Geezer Guns is an off-shoot of the Eas’dern Shore Renegades. We shoot the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Delmarva Sportsman Association in Sudlersville, MD. We set up the stages at 8:00 a.m. and the fun begins when the stages are set. We shoot anywhere from 4 to 6 stages. This is a more casual, relaxed shoot. All Single Action Shooting Society rules apply. This is a time to practice your shooting skills, work on transitions, etc., all while having a great time with your pards.


So if you’re looking for some shooting during the week, a place to work on your shooting, come join us for some fun!


The Eas’dern Shore Renegades

The Eas’dern Shore Renegades was started in 2005 by Too Dang Frank (aka Frank Pinder) and Slash 8 (aka Earl Brooks). On the way home from a cowboy match one day, the two pards got to talking about starting a new cowboy match at the gun club where they both belonged. Delmarva Sportsman Association would become the new home for the Eas’dern Shore Renegades, the only SASS Club on Maryland’s Eastern Shore at that time.



For additional information

contact a match director:

Bob Hague

"Black Hills Drifter":  Email


John Mersen
Gunpowder John: Email

Delmarva Sportsman Assocation

816 Sudlersville Cemetary Rd 

Sudlersville, MD 21668

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 141

Sudlersville, MD 21668

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